Philadelphia "A True Church"

May 19, 2024    Derek Melton





I.              THE PRESCRIPT (V. 7)


(a.)       Holy

(b.)       True

(c.)        Sovereign


II.            THE PRAISE (Vv. 8-9)


(a.)       Their strength through weakness (V. 8b)

(b.)       Their obedience through difficulty (V. 8c, 10a)

(c.)        Their faithfulness through danger (V. 8d)


III.         THE PROMISE (Vv. 10-13)


(a.)       An open door for effective ministry (Vv. 8a, 9)

(b.)       Kept in the hour of testing (V. 10)

(c.)        A victor’s crown (V. 11)

(d.)       A pillar in the sanctuary of God (V. 12a)

(e.)       A new name (V. 12b)


IV.          THE POSTSCRIPT (V. 13)